Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  My horse cut its leg in a fence a month ago. The wound has not fully healed and I am told it has “Proud Flesh”.
Will it eventually heal up?

A . Some horses produce very excessive granulation tissue (proud flesh) during the healing process when healing has not been by primary intention healing, especially for leg injuries, particularly the hock region of the hind leg.
The leg might eventually heal with permanent swelling and considerable scarring
My preferred treatment involves using Acupuncture needles, the application of ACP (Platelet Rich Plasma) prepared from the horses own blood, and debulking the wound to remove the excess tissue.
The leg requires bandaging after the procedure and may require antibiotics and anti-inflamatory drugs.
This is a great example of using conventional and new and alternative therapies to get a superior result.

Q.  I have just bought a new saddle for my daughters  14 hand pony because we were told the old stock saddle was causing his sore back which caused him to buck on occasions.
He still bucks, and my husband will buck if we have to change saddles again. Is Saddle Fitting likely to help?

A. Yes saddle fitting is very worthwhile if you can access a qualified saddle fitter who will need to see the saddle and the horse and adjust the saddle if possible.
There are many factors involved in proper saddle fitting like using the correct shaped gullet plate, and assessing that there is proper even contact by the pad with the horses back, and if the saddle is appropriate for the horse and rider.
Additionally an Holistic Chiropractic assessment of the horse by a qualified Equine Chiropractor is recommended to address the other half of the problem.
A list of qualified Animal Chiropractors can be found on the AVCA website.
Usually Chiropractic adjustments and appropriate exercises will both be recommended.
Your Chiropractor might like to liase with your Saddle Fit person.

Q .Can Veterinarians also be Chiropractors and why doesn’t my vet do Chiropractic treatments.

A. Qualified Veterinarians, qualified Chiropractors and qualified Osteopaths were accepted into a Tertiary post Graduate course to study and learn the application of these principles from human medicine for use on animals.
Osteopathy and Chiropractic has long been accepted and taught at Tertiary Institutions as a  recognised credible form of human Medicine for both the treatment and prevention of diseases, not only musculoskeletal disorders like the proverbial “sore back”.
Since these procedures are not taught in Veterinary undergraduate school, it was decided there was sufficient demand by animal owners to give their pets the opportunity to have similar treatments, and Animal Chiropractic is now taught as a post graduate course.
Many Veterinarians operate mixed practice, and others specialise in important skilled fields like Surgery, Internal Medicine, Ophthalmology, Oncology, and Dentistry for instance.
If Owners desire to have their pets and horses treated by Chiropractic, as well as by traditional Veterinary methods, they can be referred by their Veterinarian, or found through the AVCA website.